Run by you
The trails we are clearing----and the zones we are building----happen because of your support i.e volunteer labor, financial contributions, or simply sheer excitement and enthusiasm! We are actively looking for WMBA members that would like to get a bit more involved in parts of the org. If interested in any of the volunteer positions below, please reply to let us know!
Trail Guru
Want to help bring back CCC era trails? Do we have a few dedicated WMBA members who would be stoked to 'adopt' their local zone? Do you live near Beartown or Snow Basin and would be willing to report on snow fall and/or trail conditions on our new Members page? Would you walk the trails--off season--and notify us of downed limbs, fallen trees, etc? Would you train to (co-)host trail work days in the Fall, or perhaps lead a group ski in the winter? Become a 3 C's guru or a Civilian Conservation Core Guru and do more than just swamp brush.
At Western Mass Backcountry Alliance, we rely on the generosity and support of our community to help us achieve our goals. Whether you have extra skis lying around that you would like to donate, or you want to host an event to raise awareness about our cause, we would love to hear from you. Your support will help us continue to preserve and protect the valuable natural resources of western Massachusetts, while also bringing stoke to the local touring community.
. Our efforts include trail maintenance, ecological conservation, and outdoor education initiatives. In addition to our work, we also have a network of sister and allied organizations, like CTA, DHASH, GBA, and Thunderbolt Ski Runners, who share our values. By supporting these organizations, you can help us make a difference in preserving the natural beauty of our region.
Mission control
We are in the beginning stages of discussing the development of new backcountry zones with several private property owners in the north Berkshire/east slope region (proximity to Berkshire East)---and looking to establish a committee to help guide and organize these potential projects. If you are excited and/or knowledgeable about trail building, organizing work days, GIS map making, fundraising/grant writing for tools, equipment, kiosks and signage----and enjoy stomping around in the woods, bushwacking to get to know an area really well, then let us know!
Want to donate?
Western Mass Backcountry Alliance is a nonprofit organization dedicated to introducing people to the sport of backcountry skiing and snowboarding. We aim to break down the barriers that prevent people from trying this amazing activity, by providing access to equipment and instruction at no cost. Our long list of items needed includes chainsaws and chaps, as well as skis, boots and bindings for people to try out our zones. We are passionate about making this sport accessible to everyone and we need your help to make it happen! Contact us to learn how you can support our mission.
Have any idea questions or comments.. reach out! We are a member driven organization.
What we need!