Berkshire Snow Basin exists as a partnership between WMass Backcountry Alliance and the MA DCR at Bryant State Forest in West Cummington, MA.
The DCR manages Bryant State Forest exclusively for wildlife habitat. Self-powered backcountry skiing and snowboarding remain the ONLY authorized recreation use within this backcountry zone. All other non-winter recreation, including mountain biking, is prohibited.
Berkshire Snow Basin was originally founded by Stan and Ruth Brown in 1949 and served the community with the warmth of a family operation until it's final operating season in 1989. After Stan passed away in 1969, Ruth continued to run the ski area until new buyers were sought in the early 1980's. While a few purchasers had dreams for expanded development of the property, these plans never materialized, and the State of Massachusetts bought the property in 1994.
Bryant State Forest was established shortly afterwards with the area encompassing the former ski trails now managed as a wildlife habitat area. With local skiers remaining loyal to the original trails, the Snow Basin has seen continued backcountry ski use since it's formal closing. However as interest in the sport has increased in recent years--and with greater user impact evident on the mountain-- WMass Backcountry Alliance saw this as an opportunity to partner with the DCR to legitmize backcountry ski use at Berkshire Snow Basin and to help organize management of the terrain toward ideal skiing and snowboarding conditions.
The Berkshire Snow Basin 'Backcountry Project' is currently in its initial phases for management. Please be aware that while this zone is open for use, trail signs, exit markers, kiosks, and onsite maps may be unavailable. Under no cirucmstances is parking along the Rt 9 corridor every allowed. If the parking area is not plowed after a snowstorm, go elsewhere until it is navigable. Please respect the adjacent neighborhood, and if you choose to ski Berkshire Snow Basin during the 2022-23 season, be prepared and familiar with skiing unmanaged backcountry terrain. Never ski alone.